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Hawaiian Trail & Mountain Corp.

Trail Clearing

Prior to hiking the HTMC scheduled club hikes a dedicated group of HTMC Trail Clearers volunteer to work on trail maintenance for many of the trails we hike. Volunteering to help on trail clearings is a wonderful way to get to know our inspiring trail clearing crew and learn more about each trail. It is also a great opportunity to give back to the Oahu hiking community by being stewards of the land by removing invasive plants and helping protect native plants. Everyone who trail clears knows this golden rule – if you do not know what a plant is, do not cut it.

Trail clearings are held on Sundays and start at 8:00 am. Everyone meets at the trailhead and after a trail briefing everyone heads out, hiking at their own pace using tools that they bring with them to clear and cut invasive plants to help maintain the trail.

A few dedicated weed whackers work on the beginning section of the trail. Hand tools are used to clear the middle and the faster hikers usually push through the start of the trail to clear the summit sections. Around noon everyone takes a break along the trail and eat lunch/snacks that they bring with them. After lunch, most put their tools away to hike back to the trailhead.

Depending on the trail, everyone gets back to their cars sometime between 3 or 4pm to relax and gather for a potluck. Although the potluck is optional, everyone is encouraged to attend. The potluck is a wonderful opportunity to hang out and talk story. A gas stove is fired up and hot dogs and whatever else needs warming up is put on the stove. There is usually quite a spread and everyone digs in after a long day working hard on the trail and sits down together to enjoy the food and each other’s company.

John Braum has been the head of our trail clearing crew since 2021. He brings extra tools/gloves that he loans out if someone does not have their own. Our trail clearers use a variety of hand clearing tools like; clippers, loppers, sickles, machetes and hand saws. A few wield weed whackers and if needed electric hedge trimmers and/or chainsaws and picks/shovels. So the next time you go on a club hike take some time to notice how great the trail looks after our trail clearing crew has toiled working their magic!

Trail clearings for open hikes are available to non-members, but the trail clearings for members-only hikes require membership to attend. An email is sent the Wednesday prior to the Sunday trail clearing with all the details and a link to a sign up sheet. Keep in mind that people who want to apply for membership can substitute up to two trail clearings (on open hikes) for two of the three official club hikes required for membership application. If you are interested in joining HTMC for trail clearings, email for more information. Mahalo!

Brief History of the HTMC Trail Clearing Crew

The HTMC Trail Clearing Crew was started in the 1990’s by HTMC Member Mabel Kekina. Before she started the group, each Hike Coordinator was responsible for clearing and ribboning the trail before they led a hike themselves. Mabel recruited club members to start coming out every Sunday – at barely 5 feet tall – she was a formidable force and knew the trails like the back of her hand. In fact, Mabel knew the mountains so well that she worked with the Fire Department to volunteer to help lead search and rescue operations with HTMC for lost hikers. Although Mabel has passed away, her memory and legacy remain strong.

Mabel Kekina with HTMC member Gay Conklin.

HTMC Member Mike Algiers was recruited by Mabel to organize and lead the trail clearing group when she started slowing down. Mike was great with tools, known for crafting beautiful hand made signs to help keep hikers from getting lost and took pride in working on maintaining the trails. He would never leave a trail clearing until every single person made it back to their car. Mike was always thinking about the long term, he enjoyed building water diversions along the trail and thought about ways to keep people safe on the trail.

Mike Algiers

In 2021 Mike passed the torch onto HTMC Member John Braum who has been leading the trail clearing crew since then. John is knowledgable about the trails, good with tools and can operate a chainsaw and weed whacker – but his go to tool is a folding shovel for improving trail beds and carving steps into steep slopes. John is a hard worker who inspires all who join the crew on Sundays and warmly welcomes newcomers to the group.

John Braum

In December 2022 HTMC and a group of HTMC Trail Clearers were presented a Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding volunteer contributions for the Oahu Na Ala Hele Trails and Access Program by the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) for their efforts to volunteer to maintain Oahu trails over the years. The HTMC Award sits proudly at the HTMC Clubhouse. To learn more about this award ceremony CLICK HERE.

Photo of award winning trail clearers. Front row from left to right: Ken Suzuki, June Miyasato, Darrell Teruya, Thomas Yoza. Back row from left to right: John Braum, Mike Algiers, Doug Klein and Ed Mercino.