DLNR Wailupe Elapaio Enclosure Workday May 4th at 9am
DLNR will be holding another volunteer workday at the Wailupe Elepaio enclosure on Saturday, May 4th 2024 at 9am, meeting at Wailupe loop trail at the end of Hao street in Aina Haina valley.
The following is the invitation from DOWFA DLNR:
The site is looking amazing thanks to all the hard work of volunteers, over the last few months we have been able to clear and treat 5000 square feet of invasive bamboo, and outplant 200 Koa. Our mission to restore this sensitive ecosystem has seen a lot of progress. This month we are excited to be hosting volunteers from Protect and Preserve Hawai’i. We hope you can also join in the continued restoration efforts.
Sign up Via the link below. Slots are limited.
The Wailupe Elepaio enclosure was built to enclose prime habitat for our endemic O’ahu Elepaio. Wailupe valley is one of a few remaining lowland sites with Elepaio nests, so it is important we protect this ecosystem.
We will be performing weed control using various handtools and chemical control. Please bring water, a long-sleeve shirt, gloves, and anything else you may need to be comfortable working in the forest for an extended time. Please understand that we strive as much as possible to create a safe environment to malama ‘aina, but working in the field always carries a level of risk.