Updated Hike Safety Page
Experienced or new hikers, we encourage you to check out the revised/updated HTMC Hike Safety website page. You will find good tips and reminders on how to hike smart and safe. At HTMC, we believe that every hiker is responsible for their own safety.
One important tip
Have you experienced an incident or near miss and thought, I was so lucky someone found me and was around to help. Or maybe you have heard of such an incident. And too often we hear about searches for lost or injured hikers that can take days. And sometimes it can take hours or days to know where to start the search.
When hiking, our key message is:
Be Findable
I often see solo hikers or two hikers and wonder: Does anyone know where they are? My new dental hygienist just moved to Hawaii and is hiking regularly. Alone. (Yes, I told her all about HTMC!).
We recommend that when hiking: create a Hike Plan and share this info with 2 friends or family. These are your Trail Angels, who will activate help if you do not return at a designated time. For anyone to be able to help you when you are delayed, they need to know where you are and your hike plan.
Please check out our recommendations for setting up a Hike Plan with your designated Trail Angels. It can make a difference when help is needed urgently.
Hike Safely and Responsibly,
Bobbie Foster
Chair of the Hike Safety Advisory Committee
Angela Nam, Betsy Fisher, Brittney Ancheta, Dana Miller, Luke Wasserman, Sandy June Akers, Hawkins Biggins (advisor)