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Sign a Petition to help protect Kuli’ou’ou and Paiko Ridge

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Save Kuli’ou’ou and Paiko Ridge from Future Development. We need the revised EHSCP Updated

Aloha Aina o Kuli’ou’ou started this petition to Acting Director, Department of Permitting and Planning DPP Acting Director Kathy K. Sokugawa and 1 other

The two parcels that make up the majority of Kalapa o Maua (Paiko Ridge) have been the subject of development controversy for years now. The threat of rock fall liability and negotiation failures with the land owners have continued to delay the positioning of these two parcels into it’s rightful place as a property completely zoned as preservation. The East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan, or EHSCP, is being revised. The Community Growth Boundary in the EHSCP will remain fixed through the 2040 planning horizon and it’s purpose is to guide future development. It is vital that the revised EHSCP protect the State Urban District section on the Paiko Ridge West Kuli’ou’ou valley wall by placing it outside of the Community Growth Boundary, as it is the current focus of the land owner’s development plans. Until we, the community, can navigate our way through the many issues that surround this beautiful mountain, we must remain vigilant in protecting the policies pertaining to development in East Honolulu.

Therefore, we, members of the Community hereby support the following 3 changes:

1. The State Urban District section of TMK: 3-8-013-001 (back parcel of Paiko Ridge) be excluded from the Community Growth Boundary and identified with red marking as illustrated in the revised East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan, Exhibit 2-1: Community Growth Boundary.

2. In Table 2-1: Potential Housing Within CGB on Lands Zoned for Residential Use in the revised East Honolulu Communities Plan, remove the row containing “Kuli’ou’ou” under the “Project Area” column; “8” under the “Possible Units” column; and “Large Vacant Lot” under the “Description” column. The parcel for these units will be changed to be outside the Community Growth Boundary.

3. Denial of Subdivision Application 2018/SUB-171. Pursuant to precedent set by multiple Supreme Court rulings, the Community does not agree with the Department of Permitting and Planning’s comments on the Planning Commission’s Deferral response approval (with conditions) of the Subdivision application to subdivide the current residential zoned section of TMK: 3-8-013-001. This conflicts directly with the East Honolulu Sustainable Communities Plan and is the first-step for continued expansion onto undeveloped, sloped valley wall areas.

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