Promote Hike Safety with The Incident Report Form

HTMC is stepping up its focus on Hike Safety with a new Incident Report Form. Routine use of Incident Report Forms will allow us to keep track of incidents and establish a system to review the reports so that we can address ways to prevent future incidents and improve safety practices.
We encourage all HTMC members – along with Hike Coordinators and Trail Clearers – to help. Whether on the trail, or at the clubhouse, if you are involved in an incident or a witness to an incident, please fill out the Incident Report Form, or pass the information on to whomever is filling out the form (this includes car break-ins at trailheads).
An incident is considered anything that needs more than a bandaid! There is a paper form to gather information and an online form where incidents are submitted. We suggest that everyone print out the paper form to have with them on the trail at all times.
Online form:
Paper form:
To help in this process, the Incident Report Form has a page on the HTMC Website: the Incident Reporting Page. Links have been added to access it from a variety of places on the website including at the bottom of the home page, the hike page, and the clubhouse page.
For more information visit the Incident Reporting page, and or take a look at the forms.
Link: Paper Incident Report Form PDF
Link: Online Incident Report Form
The Hike Safety Advisory Committee was formed in 2022 after HTMC Member Bobbie Foster offered a First Aid Kit Workshop to the Hike Coordinators and Trail Clearers. Bobbie Foster is the Committee Chair, and Dana Miller, Sandy June Akers, Betsy Fisher, Angela Nam, Brittney Ancheta and Luke Wasserman are committee members and Hawkins Biggins is an Advisor.
The goal of the committee is to address hike safety during trail clearings and club hikes for members, hike coordinators and trail clearers and to address safety in three areas; preventative, during hikes and after hikes.
For more information or to get involved email: