Join the HTMC Trail Clearing Crew
Every Sunday the HTMC Trail Clearing Crew clears a trail for an upcoming club hike. The trail clearers use a variety of tools, from loppers to sickles and machetes, in order to keep the trails open by cutting invasive plants. One of the benefits of trail clearing is that you learn about the plants on the trail, especially which ones are native so that you don’t cut those!
Anyone is welcome to join trail clearings for open hikes, and HTMC members may join the Members Only trail clearings. You can earn a Trail Clearing patch after coming on two trail clearings and non-members can use up to two trail clearings towards your HTMC membership. If you do not have any tools, let us know and we can loan you some.
On most Sunday’s following trail clearing there is a potluck, which gives people time to relax afterwards, share food and each others company. It is suggested to bring your own reusable dishes and utensils and some even bring chairs.
When carpooling to a trail head is necessary, proper trail clearing etiquette entails that everyone bring a change of clothing and shoes to help keep the drivers vehicles as mud free as possible.
To get notification for upcoming trail clearings email