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Hawaiian Trail & Mountain Corp.


HTMC Instagram Page Launch

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HTMC Member Liz Lee kindly volunteered to head up an official HTMC Instagram Page. The HTMC instagram page is called hikinghtmc and it launched this August. It will be utilized to promote issues important to HTMC’s mission statement including among other things;

  • club history
  • hiking etiquette
  • hike safety
  • responsible hiking
  • native plant information

Show your love – visit and follow hikinghtmc on Instagram. For questions, or to share ideas or suggestions feel free to reach out to the Instagram Committee via And to share images that you think might be Instagram worthy, CLICK HERE to upload them to the committee’s dropbox folder. Mahalo!

Keep in mind that in an effort to promote responsible social media posting HTMC adheres to a no-post social media policy for all hikes that are not on the Na Ala Hele or State Trail system. It is our goal to utilize social media responsibly in order to help protect our trails from being “loved to death” as well as reduce any preventable hiking rescues.