2024 HTMC Holiday Luau Recap

A big Mahalo to everyone who volunteered to help make the 8th annual HTMC Holiday Luau a huge success! It truly takes a village and there are many steps and hands involved; from the planning sessions, to the sub-committee chairs, to collecting greenery, the set up, the food, the lei’s, the cookies, the entertainment, the prizes and raffle gifts, the emcee, the sound, the raffle, the decorating, the tear down, the clean up and hauling away of greenery.
The planning was started months prior and the cookie committee met a few weeks ahead to make the holiday cookies with Hawkins. Next came the greenery crew headed up by Larry L., who gathered invasive’s on three separate days, wet stormy weather and all! Mike A. even topped a Christmas tree in Helene’s yard to donate.
On Friday, while Doug W. mowed the lawn, John B. handled the Set Up Crew as they erected tents and strung lights and got the clubhouse ready to be decorated by the copious amounts of greenery on Saturday. This year Bobbie F., helped by Wendy L. made veggie laulau’s. Everyone who wanted pitched in to make over twenty Ti Leaf lei’s to give to the volunteers.
On Saturday Bobbie watched the water level in the pots as she steamed the laulaus. The tents and clubhouse were decorated with greenery and Carole M. and Karen L. made the beautiful table arrangements. Meanwhile Larry L. and David J. erected a Christmas tree and life size cardboard cutout hikers for the Photo Booth. After that, the tables and chairs were arranged for seating for 100, while Bob T. set up his gear and speakers to create the professional sound and patiently helped all the entertainers with their sound needs.
As guests entered our transformed clubhouse grounds, Hawkins B. and Bobbie F. greeted guests; passing out name tags, raffle tickets and collecting donations. Pupu’s were served while Pat R. made beautiful and tasty mojito mocktails complete with mint, cranberries, umbrella’s and bamboo straws for all to enjoy! Larry Lee organized the Entertainment from our talented HTMC Members, Friends and guests. This year our luau was opened by Kumu Ilima S. who sang a powerful oli chant. Andrea F. volunteered as our 2024 Emcee and we enjoyed performances by the following; Andrea F. – Classical guitar, Cassie O. – Hula, Jill M. (Farmer Jill) – guitar, Zen D. – flute and Saxophone, Angela P. – singing. Don P. gifted the club with a beautiful block print of the clubhouse that made and framed that now hangs on the clubhouse wall upstairs.
During dinner raffle numbers were called out and the lucky winners went home with goodies donated by members (listed below). Sandy A. was in charge of organizing the cookie contest, a creative outlet for kids and adults alike (CLICK HERE to view 2024 winners). The Hike Trivia Quiz was created by Books and Records Committee Chair Blaise S. This year twenty five members partook in the multiple choice and true/false quiz (to read more about it and take the quiz CLICK HERE). After dinner we were graced with holiday songs to hiking lyrics from Larry L.’s group, the Toe Jammers, which was followed by Jeff G. who performed a poignant puppet show, and Dale Y. presented the HTMC hike slideshow, CLICK HERE for the YouTube link. We ended the evening singing Hawai’i Aloha with Angela P. followed by a closing oli chant by Ilima S.
When it was all pau, luau participants stayed to help with the tear down process. And last but not least, on Sunday Pat Rooney took charge of the clean up crew who helped haul away the greenery, get everything back in it’s rightful place and make the clubhouse sparkle for the rest of the holiday season.
As I said, it takes a village! Feeling inspired? Consider volunteering for next year’s luau! In the meantime, save the date for the 2025 Holiday Luau: Saturday December 6th!
Mahalo to the 2024 Luau Committee Volunteers and Donors*
Alvin I.
Amanda M.
Andrea F.
Barbara N.
Blaise S.
Betsy F.
Bob T.
Bobbie F.
Carole M.
Colleen S.
David C.
Dorene C.
Doug W.
Georgia G.
Hawkins B.
Janice P.
Jeff G.
John B.
John M.
Julie V.
Karen L.
Larry L.
Pat R.
Sandy A.
Mel Y.
Mike A.
Nanette O.
Yasuko F.
Wendy L.
Mahalo to those listed below for their Raffle donations!
- Patagonia
- Domonique G.
- Sabra F.
- Larry Lee
- Georgia G.
- Hawkins B.
- Betsy F.
- Larry L.
- Andrea F.
- Karen L.
- Sabra F.
- Tamara K.
- Dale Y.
- Arthur Y.
*Apologies if anyone who volunteered or donated is missing.
Photos in this article by: Dale Y., David J., Hawkins B, Larry L., Cassie Okumura.