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Hawaiian Trail & Mountain Corp.


HTMC Apparel are available via an online vendor with either the Olomana and Boot designs. Click the link below to select items to purchase at your discretion. Your order will be shipped directly to your home. Keep in mind that some items ship from different warehouses so adding a variety of items to your cart may increase the shipping costs due to multiple shipping locations.

Hawaiian Trail and Mountain Club (HTMC) – Emblem Athletic

HTMC patches are currently available for purchase through HTMC Membership (like the one provided when you first joined HTMC – see below photo) .

If you want to pay with a debit/credit card without creating a PayPal account, please follow these detailed instructions after you click Submit.

  • US Postal Service only
  • Optional, to be used only if we need to contact you regarding your order.
  • 3 inch diameter iron-on patch.
    Price: $5.00
  • $0.00