We are an ohana of volunteers and enthusiasts dedicated to enjoying, protecting and conserving Hawaii’s extensive network of hiking trails.
Joining or helping out is easy. HTMC members and friends (see below) are adults of all ages and represent very diverse backgrounds. However, our common bond is a love of hiking, a commitment to conservation, and a desire to preserve access to hiking areas.
While many of HTMC’s activities are open to the public, there are clear advantages that come with membership:
- Members show their support of HTMC’s goals and programs by maintaining their membership.
- Members elect the HTMC board and are consulted via on-line ballots whenever major issues arise.
- Members may serve on HTMC Committees and volunteer to become Board Members, Hike Coordinators and Committee Chairs.
- Members are encouraged to play an active role in setting goals and organising HTMC activities, including hikes and social functions.
- Only members have access to the Members-Only sections of the HTMC webpage and are eligible to participate in Members-Only Hikes.
- The suggested donation for hikes does not apply to members.
- Members enjoy free day-use of the Waimanalo clubhouse facilities and reduced rates on overnight stays.
- Lifetime Members pay no annual dues.
To become a member, you must
- Be 18 years old or older.
- Participate in at least three HTMC sponsored hikes within the 12 months prior to applying for membership (this may include up to two Sundays of Trail Maintenance, but the 3rd hike must be a regular HTMC sponsored hike). Note that hikes that you go on your own or with your friends that are not listed on the HTMC website are not HTMC sponsored hikes even if they are on the same trail/route as previous/future HTMC sponsored hikes.
- Fill out a membership application.
Annual Dues are $51 per year and your annual renewal will be due each year on the date that your membership was first approved. Joining or renewing as a Lifetime Member is a one-time $1020 with a 50% discount after 10 years of membership.
Membership applications are initially vetted by the Membership Officers but must then be confirmed by the HTMC Board of Directors, so please allow some time for processing your membership application.
Friends of HTMC are adults of all ages and represent very diverse backgrounds. However, our common bond is a love of hiking, a commitment to conservation, and a desire to preserve access to hiking areas.
While many of HTMC’s activities are open to the public, there are clear advantages that come with becoming a Friend of HTMC:
- Friends show their support of HTMC’s goals and programs by maintaining their membership.
- Friends may serve on HTMC Committees but not as a club chair.
- Friends may get involved in Club events, activities and social functions.
- Friends may participate in open (public) Club hikes without a donation.
- Friends enjoy free day-use of the Waimanalo clubhouse facilities and reduced rates on overnight stays.
- Friends have the ability to invite guests for day-use to the clubhouse premises in conjunction with the Friend’s presence. However, non-member and non-Friend guests must pay the required fee to use the clubhouse premises.
- Friends have the ability to become a member by fulfilling the membership requirements.
- In addition to all of the above, life-time Friends pay no annual dues.
To become a Friend, you must
- Be 18 years old or older.
- Participate in at least three official HTMC activities (events, hikes, and/or trail maintenance) within the 12 months prior to applying for membership.
- Annual Dues are the same as for Members (see above).
- Fill out a Friend of HTMC Application.