ULOHA – Oahu’s Hiking and Camping Outfitter

5:00 pm Potluck 6:30 pm Presentation
ULOHA, a hiking, backpacking, and camping store, opened on September 2nd, 2017 at 515 Ward Avenue. Justin Brackett will share information about Oahu’s newest outdoor store. He is interested to learn about what products HTMC members would like to see in the new store. For more information check out the website: http://uloha.com
ULOHA will be giving away a few items at the event – so come and perhaps you can go home with some new gear!
Brackett has been hiking the Ko’olaus and Waianaes for the past four years. He trail runs every Tuesday and hikes and backpacks every chance he gets. In the past he has volunteers with HTMC trail clearers and he appreciates all that HTMC does on Oahu.
Please bring a potluck dish to share.
Guests and non-members are welcome with a $3 clubhouse donation fee. Please RSVP to entertainment@htmc1910.org.