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Hawaiian Trail & Mountain Corp.



Information for Presenters:

Address: The HTMC clubhouse is located in a residential neighborhood in Waimanalo (a block from the beach) The address is: 41-023 Puuone Street.

Parking: Please park in front of the property along the fence on the street in the grassy area.

Venue: Weather permitting, the presentations take place outside on a grassy lawn on the expansive clubhouse property.  We set up chairs and the screen and projector and have an area for the presenter to sit/stand. There is a beautiful recently renovated indoor space on the second floor of the historic clubhouse if needed.

Arrival time: Someone from the HTMC Entertainment Committee arrives early to set up, about an hour before the event starts. We leave it up to each presenter what time they would like to arrive. That said, please arrive with enough time to test the equipment before the presentation begins.

Timing: The presentations start once the sun sets and it gets dark enough, this ranges between 6:30 pm in winter and 7 pm in the summer.

Event Date: Events are held on Saturdays and planned months in advance in order to be included in the monthly newsletter.

Marketing: The event is listed on the HTMC Website and Facebook Page as well as in the HTMC Newsletter that is sent monthly via email to over 400 HTMC members. 

Technical side: HTMC provides a screen/projector and cables for PC/Mac laptop hook ups (if you need to borrow a laptop, let us know and one may be available)

Sound: If sound is important for your presentation, please let me know and I will confirm with you if sound is available for your event.

Potluck: Although the event officially starts between 5 pm and 5:30pm, people trickle in and visit first, so we start eating around 5:30-6 pm once enough people have come. It is a potluck, but do not feel obligated to bring anything, as you are the entertainment! Some people skip the potluck altogether and just come for the presentation.

Guests: Keep in mind that this event is open to the public and guests are welcome. We encourage presenters to bring their family and friends! The more the merrier! There is a requested $5 clubhouse usage donation for all non-members that helps with the upkeep of the facility.

If you’d like to be a presenter, please see our online form to submit your ideas.