Pruning for Home Gardeners and Trail Clearers

4:00 pm Presentation
5:30 pm Potluck
Join master gardener Diana Duff as she talks about and demonstrates how to prune shrubs and trees for the health (or quick demise) of plants in your garden or on the trail. She will discuss tool selection and tool sharpening as well as show ways to control growth while keeping plants healthy with good pruning techniques.
Diana Duff was an organic farmer on the Big Island for 25 years. She also taught numerous gardening classes in Kona including pruning for the Master Gardener Program. She has been teaching gardening classes at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UH for the last three years. She continues to write a regular gardening column for West Hawai’i Today in Kona and is a partner in the farm and garden consulting business FarmWorks Hawai’i. For more information visit the website:
CLICK HERE to RSVP. By RSVPing you help the Event Committee prepare for the event, let other members know you are planning on attending and your potluck dish information helps other guests think about what dish may be a good addition. Mahalo for your RSVP!
The HTMC clubhouse is located in a residential area, a block from Waimanalo beach at 41-023 Puuone Street, Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795.
HTMC events are open to non-members and guests, please CLICK HERE to pay the $5 clubhouse usage fee. Mahalo!