Living and Hiking in Sierra Leone

HTMC Member Luke Wassermann will give an overview of multi-day backpacking and day hiking opportunities in the West African nation of Sierra Leone, and talk about the seven years he spent living in Sierra Leone recording and producing music. Expect to hear adventurous tales of tropical travel on local transport and lively African music. The highest peak in West Africa is Mount Bintumani at 6,381 feet. What would it take to summit this peak? Plenty of time will be allotted for Q&A to satisfy the curiosity of audience members, and allow for an open discussion.
Luke Wasserman was born and raised in Cincinnati on the Ohio River, Luke left Ohio in 2003 and has never looked back. He has briefly lived in Cleveland, Boston, Miami, Portland, Tampa, and Sihanoukville and Cambodia. From 2006 to 2013 he lived in a small town on the Atlantic coast of Sierra Leone called Tintafor. What was originally intended to be a two year stay turned into seven as he grew to love the people, culture, and lifestyle of this little known country in West Africa. Luke moved to Oahu in 2018 to take a job as an audiologist in Kailua. Luke joined HTMC in early 2019 after being introduced to the club by Ron Miller.
CLICK HERE to RSVP. By RSVPing you will help the Event Committee prepare for the event, let other members who is planning on coming and by adding your potluck dish information it helps other guests think about what dish may be a good addition to the potluck.
5:30 pm Potluck
7:00 pm Presentation
The HTMC clubhouse is located in a residential area, a block from Waimanalo beach at 41-023 Puuone Street, Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795.
HTMC events are open to non-members and guests, please CLICK HERE to pay the $5 clubhouse usage fee. Mahalo!