Kayak Camping on Moloka’i and Hawai’i Island with Cory Yap

5:00 pm potluck & 6:30 pm presentation
Highlights from two kayak camping trips on Molokai?s northern coast and the Kohala Coast of Hawai’i Island, using both inflatable and hardshell kayaks.
Cory Yap is an environmental educator at Iolani School and an assistant researcher at the Center for Conservation Research and Training, University of Hawaii at Manoa. His role at Iolani is split between doing environmental outreach education with K-12 students, being an aquatic biologist, and deploying and maintaining wireless sensor networks for weather and water quality monitoring. In Cory’s spare time, you will usually find him kayak and shore fishing, spearfishing, canyoneering, hiking, and gardening… or pretty much any physical activity that can be enjoyed outdoors in Hawaii.
Please bring a potluck dish to share. Guests and non-members are welcome with a $3 clubhouse donation fee. Please RSVP to entertainment@htmc1910.org.