HTMC Holiday Luau!

4:00 PM Festivities Begin at the Waimanalo Clubhouse
Fellow hikers – let’s eat, sing and be merry together! Tis the season to share an evening off the trail enjoying holiday festivities with your inspiring hiking community. Wash your muddy hiking clothes, powder your nose and join us to celebrate the HTMC holiday luau tradition!
Please bring a potluck dish, a lei, and a wrapped gift for the white elephant game. White Elephant gifts should be under $20 and can be fun, silly or practical.
This event is open to guests and non-members with a $3 clubhouse donation fee. Please RSVP by December 1st by clicking here & sign up for your potluck dish. Just click in the document and start typing. There is no “save” button. Anything you type gets saved automatically.