Hawaii Nisei Soldiers
5:00 pm potluck – Please bring a potluck dish to share and plates & utensils to help the planet!
6:30 pm presentation
Presentation and discussion about WWII and the post-war legacy for Hawaii’s Nisei Soldiers. Presented by Lynn Heirakuji, the daughter of a Nisei Soldier.
Ever wonder why Hawaii is such a strong Democratic state? Why Hawaii is a strong union state? Who saved the Texas “Lost Battalion” trapped behind German lines after other American units failed? How rescuing the Lost Battalion played a role in Hawaii becoming a state? What military unit is the most highly decorated unit in U.S. military history? Who taught the nation a valuable lesson that is critical today? The answers lay in the heroic conduct of the 100th Infantry Battalion, the 442 Regimental Combat Team (RCT), and the Military Intelligence Service, all predominantly Nisei Soldier (2nd generation Japanese American) units. Come and learn why we should all be proud to be from Hawaii. Presented by Lynn Heirakuji, daughter of a 442nd Soldier, President and Board Member of the Nisei Veterans Legacy; Council Leader with the US-Japan Council and member of the Sons & Daughters of the 442nd RCT; She has had a 30-year career with the Federal Government in Washington D.C. including serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Personnel Oversight for the U.S. Army; Acted for and advised the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs; Senior staff member and leadership positions at the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, and Commerce; Holds a Doctorate Degree from Howard Un.; Master’s Degree from the Un. of Denver; and B.A. Degree from the UH. She has given numerous speeches and presentations about the Nisei Soldier Story in the U.S. and abroad.
Guests and non-members are welcome with a $5 clubhouse donation fee.
Please RSVP to event@htmc1910,org
Clubhouse Location: 41-023 Puuone Street, Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795