Cancelled: Farewell to the Kiwi’s!

Unfortunately due to the increase in Covid cases, this event has been cancelled.
Join us to say goodbye to the members of the Auckland Tramping Club (ATC – our sister club in New Zealand) to Hawai’i. We will share a last meal together and if all goes according to plan have a slideshow of images from their Hawai’i adventures on Oahu and the Big Island. The group will be staying at the clubhouse, so keep in mind that the clubhouse will be fully occupied.
5:30pm Potluck – Give the Kiwi’s a taste of Hawai’i and bring something special to the potluck!
7pm ATC Presentation – Reminisce about their visit enjoying images from their Hawaii trip! If you would like to contribute your best of the best photos for the Kiwi’s visit for the slideshow that Dale Yoshizu is making which will be played at the Farewell Party CLICK HERE to upload your images. Please limit it to 3-5 images per day since all members can contribute and we don’t want to overwhelm Dale. Mahalo!
To RSVP for this event CLICK HERE.
HTMC events are open to non-members and guests, please CLICK HERE to pay the $5 clubhouse usage fee. Mahalo!