Blue Hawaii Movie Night

Come see what Hawaii looked like 42 years ago! Enjoy Blue Hawaii, the classic 1961 Elvis romantic comedy musical, while sitting under the palm trees and stars at the clubhouse. As the 1961 movie poster reads, “ECSTATIC ROMANCE . . . EXOTIC DANCES . . . EXCITING MUSIC.”
Above image from – Joan Blackman and Elvis Presley in ‘Blue Hawaii.’ Sunset Boulevard/Corbis via Getty Images
CLICK HERE to RSVP. By RSVPing you help the Event Committee prepare for the event, let other members know you are planning on attending and your potluck dish information helps other guests think about what dish may be a good addition. Mahalo for your RSVP!
5:00 pm Potluck
6:30- 8:30 pm Movie
The HTMC clubhouse is located in a residential area, a block from Waimanalo beach at 41-023 Puuone Street, Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795.
HTMC events are open to non-members and guests, please CLICK HERE to pay the $5 clubhouse usage fee. Mahalo!