Annual HTMC Holiday Luau

Please RSVP by Monday Nov 27th to attend the HTMC Holiday Luau on December 9, 2017 from 4:00 – 8:00pm
Spend a memorable evening celebrating the holidays with your fellow hikers!
This years exciting program includes:
- Emcee Udom Ervine Stamegna
- Stuart Ball’s O`ahu hiking trivia quiz with prizes from local retail stores
- Hula dancing by HTMC Members & Guests
- Elaine Lemons and Rich Bailey performing the HTMC Club Song
- Dale Yoshizu’s slideshow presentation of 2017 HTMC hikes
- HTMC sound man Bob Tyson will play Christmas Carols and festive music
- A delicious potluck dinner
- Christmas Cookie decorating contest
To attend this event RSVP is REQUIRED because of the extensive preparations. CLICK HERE TO RSVP
Guests & non-members are welcome with a $3 clubhouse donation fee.
Get involved: cook/decorate/entertain and continue the festive HTMC holiday luau tradition! To volunteer contact