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Hawaiian Trail & Mountain Corp.


Mokuleia Campers Q&A

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Questions, answers and photos shared by some of the 2025 Mokuleia Campers.

What was your favorite part of the trail?

Fleig: The lookout over the valley and the sunset.

Moratto: I absolutely adore hiking in an ironwood Forrest. It’s picturesque and relaxing to be in there, but the best part is the soft flooring for my feet. I love love love hiking through beautiful ironwoods.

Biggins: I love how varied the entire hike is; different terrain, views, plants & terrain.

Foster: all good … except the road section (but also a nice break from the steep uneven terrain).

Nam: Exploring along the fence line connecting one ridge to Makua rim. Came across many amazing plants and new views of Three Corners and North Shore

A patch of blue sky between the rain on the hike out (photo: Fleig)*

Share a highlight from the campout:

Varela: This was an amazing group!

Fleig: The friendly discussions on best strategy dealing with the upcoming thunderstorm. Everybody gave input, everybody was heard. Options discussed in an orderly way. Way to go!

Rooney: A star-spangled sky.

Moratto: Being outside always makes me feel alive. Yipee!!

Biggins: Night photography with Pat!

Foster: The group sunset watching dinners up at the bench – 2 nights in a row

Nam: Another great campout with amazing people and (mostly) good weather

Nam inspecting an orange blossom

Share a challenge from the campout:

Varela: Hiking in was warmer than expected.

Fleig: I personally packed 6 pounds too much! I could have cut on the food and extra warm clothing!

Moratto: The hot weather was my challenge. During the hike in I drank 3 liters and ran out before I reached camp.

Biggins: Knowing there was bad weather headed our way, but our group discussion was super helpful.

Foster: 31 lbs pack a bit too heavy. Appreciated the help lifting my pack off ground. Thank you all.

Nam: Packing out in the rain

Rooney & Foster in the forest climbing down a steep fence. (photo: Foster)

What was your favorite piece of gear that you brought?

Varela: My mini-clip-on mirror

Fleig: My jetboil!!!! Deeply impressed with it. My new sleeping bag! Warm and super functional!

Moratto: My camp chair is the best. It’s fabulous. Folds up flat to strap to my pack, is very lightweight, and has unbeatable back support.

Biggins: My umbrella, useful for packing up in the rain and on the hike out.

Foster: My hiking poles. Helped with the big step ups and downs.

Nam: My coffee tumbler (an extra extra luxury item)

Soaked but smiling, Lee, Biggins & Varela back at the trailhead.

What gear would you have liked to have with you?

Varela: My yoga mat

Fleig: I need more tent stakes. I always have to borrow a few!

Biggins: A camera with a macro lens

Foster: Many things… but glad i did not have the weight. I used everything in my pack except two energy bars

Nam: Plastic bags to put my wet tent in and to protect my camera

Rorie applying sunscreen at camp.

Share a memorable moment:

Varela: Hiking in the rain!

Fleig: Trying to make a light signal at night spelling HTMC! That was fun and funny, and also did not work.

Rooney: A campsite lit up by the moon.

Moratto: I thought it was pretty nice that when I finally arrived to camp and Hawkins & Patrick both came over to help me get my tent set up.

Biggins: Photographing memorable moments; mud puddles, sunsets, spider webs, native plants, stars, peoples expressions . . .

Foster: Sunsets with the backpacking team… beautiful and lots of talk story

Nam: Finding my lost radio by the stream. Still works after the recent downpours!

Moonlight, moon shadows and stars (photo: Rooney)

What was the most delicious thing that you ate?

Varela: Lilikoi fruit

Fleig: Lilikoi!

Rooney: Stale granola

Moratto: On my hike in I had cut up pieces of perfectly seasoned steak and a hard boiled egg. Both pretty Ono.

Biggins: I splurged on “Epic: Salmon Jerky” it was delicious and nutritious!

Foster: Thai Chef Shrimp Creamy Tom Yum noodles (69 cents at Longs) and added Tuna.

Nam: Hard earned tangerines

Fleig drinking toothpaste.

What was the least delicious thing that you ate?

Varela: My kimchi soup

Fleig: Sour orange, haha!

Moratto: I had a super sour tangerine from one of the trees up there. Normally I can eat them, and sour foods are my favorite flavor, but it was so extreme that I couldn’t bring myself to finish it.

Foster: A cup of hot water Monday morning since everything was packed!

Nam: The mouth numbing, sour oranges right next door

Fleig & Braum: Can you eat a sour orange without making a sour face? 

What advice do you have for future campout participants?

Fleig: Be prepared for the cold. And the warmth. Em? Conundrum?

Moratto: Relax, take your time, and enjoy the expedience. It’s not a race to get there. Go at your own pace and listen to your body as you go. Pause to catch your breath, and admire the infinite beauty that surrounds you in every direction, appreciate the fact that you woke up again and are able to enjoy this heaven on earth paradise. Breathe in the exhilarating eucalyptus, revel in the tranquil bird sounds, discover beautiful mushrooms and plants, take care of yourself, enjoy the great company of your fellow campers, and just plain have a blast.

Foster: Keep your gear weight down.

Nam: Be prepared for all sorts of weather. Thankfully, not freezing this year, but a 25F sleeping bag was perfect!

Chilling at the shelter with backpack and boots (photo: Moretto)

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Fleig: Still impressed with the very thoughtful and thought-through bathroom situation.

Moratto: I highly recommend this camp out. Super fun experience!

Foster: Thank you JB and everyone for a wonderful first time on this adventure.

Nam: If you are hiking in front, recommend carrying a stick for the spider webs!

Varela enjoying sunset along at the Mokuleia Benches along Makua Rim. 

*Photos by Biggins unless otherwise noted