HTMC has always been an ohana of volunteers. No one gets paid; everyone chips in to keep the club active, exciting, and running on schedule. We depend on our friends and fellow hikers to serve as Board members, officers, and committee members. Check out the volunteer opportunities listed below to learn about the many ways you can contribute to HTMC. We appreciate you considering volunteering with HTMC!
Join a Committee
Get involved, volunteer to help on an HTMC committee listed below.
Books and Records Committee:
Blaise Smith (Chair), Winona Farias, Des Matsuno
Goals: Organize and digitize the club records in order to help create and preserve the clubs historic records.
Clubhouse Committee:
Pat Rooney (chair), Barb Bruno, Susan Vesel, Hawkins Biggins and John Braum
Goals: Responsible for selecting and managing the resident of the Luciano Pena Memorial Clubhouse along with handeling the clubhouse reservations and events.
Events Committee:
Hawkins Biggins (chair), John Braum, David Chin, Vanessa Cole, Justin Ohara, Pat Rooney, Bob Tyson, Carole Moon, Myrtle Wong and Dawn Sonderquist
Goals: Provide monthly events with presenters who share experiences and information related to hiking, plants, and more
Facebook Committee
Dale Yoshizu (chair), Ellyn Tong, Betsy Weatherford, Hawkins Biggins and Bobbie Foster
Goals: Help keep members informed about HTMC updates, share hiking related information and manage members posts.
Hike Committee:
Steve Davis (Chair), Stuart Ball, Hawkins Biggins, John Braum, Barb Bruno, Ed Mersino, Des Matsuno, and Mike Algiers (Advisor)
Goals: Schedule the club hikes and trail clearings and help manage the Hike Coordinators.
Hike Safety Advisory Committee:
Bobbie Foster (Chair), Angela Nam, Betsy Fisher, Brittney Ancheta, Sandy Akers, and Hawkins Biggins (Advisor).
Goals: addresses hike safety during trail clearings and club hikes for members, hike coordinators and trail clearers to address safety in three areas; preventative, during hikes and after hikes.
Newsletter Committee:
Hawkins Biggins (Chair) and Susan Vesel (editor)
Goals: Create a monthly HTMC Newsletter to keep members informed about hikes, events and club updates. Members are welcomed to contribute to write stories and submit them to the Newsletter Committee via email.
Public Relations Committee:
Andrea Fleig (Chair)
Goals: Educate the community about hike safety, and encourage them to hike safely and responsibly.
Property Maintenance:
John Braum (Chair), Mike Algiers
Goals: Help with the upkeep of our historic Clubhouse organizing and attending quarterly maintenance work days
Website Committee:
Nate Luzod, David Chin, Eric Zhang, Hawkins Biggins, Roeland Lasure
Goals: Maintain and update the website by posting news items, hikes and events.
Become a Hike Coordinator
Hike Coordinators lead 4 hikes per year and attend the Trail Clearing for those hikes, which is a time commitment is 8 days per year. Please consider applying. If you have any questions, please contact the Hike Committee (
To apply to the position of Hike Coordinator for HTMC please complete this application.
Volunteer to be a Hike Assistant (includes watching cars at trailheads)
HTMC Members can volunteer to be Hike Assistants, which includes watching cars at trailheads. Hike Coordinators will refer to list and reach out to the members on this list should they require an assistant on their hike. To apply to be a Hike Assistant complete this application.
Join the Trail Clearing Crew
Every Sunday the HTMC Trail Clearing Crew clears a trail for an upcoming club hike. The trail clearers use a variety of tools, from loppers to sickles and machetes, to keep the trails open by cutting invasive plants. Anyone is welcome to join trail clearings for open hikes, and HTMC members may join the Members Only trail clearings. You can earn a Trail Clearing patch after coming on two trail clearings and non-members can use up to two trail clearings towards your HTMC membership.
To get notification for upcoming trail clearings email
Give a Presentation
Did you go on an exciting trip or hike the Pacific Crest Trail barefoot?
Share your experiences with other HTMC members in a short presentation. Show some pictures. Bring some mementos. Contact